About Us
Corps Staff (2023 - 2024)
Commanding Officer - Capt Sean Kelly
Cox'n - CPO2 Johnson
The Sea Cadet Program
While the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet program introduce cadets to the Navy, Cadets are not members of the Canadian Forces and are free to leave the program at any time. From September to June, Sea Cadets participate in local training one evening per week and are also required to conduct a minimum of 4 weekend activities throughout the year.
Cadets get to participate in a great variety of activities, including many experiences that are unique to this program.
Boating & Sailing
Swimming & Watersports
Camping & Hiking
Snow Skiing
Band Program
Citizenship (Parades, Community Events)
Marksmanship & Biathlon
Sports & Fitness
Naval Knowledge
Leadership Training
Local, Regional & National Competitions
Royal Canadian Sea Cadets are supervised and instructed by members of the Cadet Instructor's Cadre, a component of the Canadian Forces Reserves which specializes in youth training and development. They are supported by Navy League Volunteers, Civilian Instructors and even members of the Regular Forces that volunteer time to work with cadets.
Royal Canadian Sea Cadets learn about the naval and maritime environment by participating in a variety of activities such as sailing, seamanship, ship-board life, naval communications, power boat handling, boat repair and marine engineering. Selected senior cadets have the opportunity to attend international exchanges, to sail aboard a Tall Ship or participate in ship deployments aboard Canadian Navy and Coast Guard ships. Additionally, Sea Cadets can compete for a chance to participate in annual sailing regattas! Sea Cadets also participate in ceremonial events and citizenship activities that allow them to connect to their Canadian naval heritage.
History of Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps ADMIRAL BUDGE
For youth 12 to 19 Years of Age
220 RCSCC Admiral Budge was founded in September 1969 and the first Commanding Officer was Lieutenant (N) W.R. Vipond who held the first parades in an un-used portion of an aircraft hanger at the Victoria International Airport. The Navy League of Canada Saanich Peninsula Branch was formed that same year in order to co-sponsor the Corps in conjunction with the Canadian Armed Forces. In the ensuing years, the officers and cadets did an admirable job of “making do” with “temporary quarters”.
The corps moved into Building 42 at Cadet Camp Pat Bay in 1975 and this arrangement worked very well until 1996 when DND condemned the building and the corps was required to cease all cadet training in that building. 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron assisted with accommodations in a Boat shed and two trailers that had been accommodation buildings when the area was the Regional Cadet Instructors School (Pacific) and a summer cadet camp. One of these trailers was moved to Albert Head after two years, so the corps operated out of the other one. Negotiations with the Victoria Airport Authority obtained a lease on some property in the Industrial Area of the Airport and the branch obtained three double wide trailers from DND which were put into operation in 1999.
Five members of the Branch formed the Friends of the Amar B Society to take on the project of procuring suitable accommodations for the two Corps. The St. Peter’s Anglican Church congregation had built a new church and offered the old building which had originally been a Military H hut to the cadets. The building was moved to the airport and placed on a full basement foundation at the leased site. Excellent support from the community, local businesses, parents and the cadets themselves managed to complete the renovations and upgrades with the result being an excellent accommodation package that is debt free, and should fill our needs for the foreseeable future.
Throughout more than 40 years of history, RCSCC Admiral Budge has been commanded by:
Lieutenant (N) W.R. Vipond (1969 – 1972)
Lieutenant (N) K. Frederickson (1972 – 1975)
Lieutenant Commander H. Razenburg (1975 – 1977)
Lieutenant (N) A. Thompson (1977 – 1979)
Lieutenant (N) R.A. Ramsay (1979 – 1981)
Lieutenant (N) W.C. Kell (1981 – 1985)
Lieutenant (N) M.J.B. Smith (1985 – 1988)
Lieutenant (N) A. Hoban (1988 – 1992)
Lieutenant (N) L.H. Sorsdahl (1992 – 1995)
Lieutenant Commander H.G. Cull (1995 – 1999)
Lieutenant (N) L.H. Sorsdahl (1999 – 2002)
Lieutenant (N) D. Howard (2002 – 2003)
Lieutenant Commander C. Dalley (2003 – 2006)
Lieutenant (N) C. Lawless (2006 – 2009)
Lieutenant (N) L. Bollen (2009 – 2012)
Lieutenant (N) D.E. Phillips (2012 – 2014)
Lieutenant (N) E. Delong (2014 - 2017)
Lieutenant (N) L. Driemel (2017 - 2020)
Lieutenant (N) I. Hood (2020 - 2023)
Captain S. Kelly (2023 - )
Over the years, the Corps has won a number of awards and competitions. The major award was the "Top Sea Cadet Corps in Canada in 1984".
Other awards have included the "Top Small Sea Cadet Corps (Vancouver Island Division)" on several occasions, and in 2010 the Corps was awarded a Silver Pennant for excellence as a small Corps in the Division. These Pennants have replaced the old competitions for the best large or small Corps.
The Royal Canadian Sea Cadet program is run in partnership between the Navy League of Canada and the Department of National Defence. While the program introduces cadets to the Royal Canadian Navy, cadets are not members of the Canadian Forces and are free to leave the program at any time.
The Navy League of Canada, Saanich Peninsula Branch
The primary aim of the Navy League is to promote, organize, sponsor, support and encourage the education and training of youth with a maritime orientation and by providing recreational opportunities and training which promotes the physical and mental fitness of boys and girls participating in the Cadet program.
At the Saanich Peninnsula Branch, the Navy League of Canada Cadet Corps share accommodations with the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, and have since formation with a history of co-operation and brotherhood. Many Navy League Cadets choose to continue past the age of 12 and join the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets. This is testament to the quality of the Navy League of Canada Cadet Corps program and the trained volunteers that make the experience of being a cadet enjoyable, rewarding, challenging and educational.
The Saanich Penninsula Branch is our committee composed of parents, grandparents, guardians and friends of Navy and Sea Cadets who are interested in assisting with the success of the Cadet program.
For more information, visit the Navy League of Canada, Saanich Peninsula Branch website.