Coast Guard Deployment Opportunities - 2013

Post date: Dec 19, 2012 7:36:44 PM

1. It's expected that Sea Cadets will again be offered billets to sail aboard Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Ships during summer 2013. Such deployments are usually 3 or 6 weeks in duration and are usually held between late June and August. In anticipation of these billets, we're inviting Sea Cadets and CIC (Sea) Officers to submit their applications.


2. The CCG ship deployment is a demanding and unique opportunity and is only available to a handful of Sea Cadets and CIC (Sea) officers. For this reason, only very deserving cadets and officers deemed capable of successfully completing the training will be considered for selection. It's therefore important that:

a. cadets and officers considering applying have a good understanding of the training schedule and conditions and eligibility requirements (para 3)

b. chain of command (Corps COs, RCSU SOs and RMLOs) comments be based on that same information.

3. Deployment conditions, medical support and selection prerequisites provided below should be used to gain a better understanding of the training and to assess an individual's capability, suitability and eligibility.

a. Deployment Conditions. The CCG training takes place generally aboard a CCG icebreaker. The ship, under the command of a qualified CCG Captain, sails off the Canadian East coast up to the North Arctic Seas for a period of 3 or 6 weeks and continuously at sea for up to 5 days. During this training, cadets and officers are expected to be involved in every part of shipboard operations (operations room watches, upper deck operations, ships husbandry, cookery, engineering, damage control, safety, etc.) in a 24/7 watch system.

b. Medical Support. A CCG First Aid Attendant is aboard while the CCG Ships are underway. The medical team can provide only basic first aid, simple urgent care needs (seasickness, minor lacerations, colds, etc.) and initial stabilization of emergencies in preparation for transport. There is no lab or x-ray available. There is no medication on board for treatment of chronic illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes, or heart failure. In case of a medical emergency, and considering that substantial distances are commonly involved in obtaining assistance, there is no easy or quick way to evacuate patients to a medical facility. Evacuation to a medical facility may take from 10 to 24 hours.


4. In order to be eligible to participate in this deployment, a cadet must meet or exceed the following prerequisites:

a. have attained the age of 16 years as of the first day of January and not be 18 years before 1 April of the year of the deployment;

b. have successfully completed Phase IV from the Corps program;

c. holds the minimum rank of PO2;

d. have successfully completed any TG2/intermediate, TG3/Advanced or 6-8 week specialty course;

e. be fluent in English or French (depending on the operational language of the CCG Ship(s)), which signifies an excellent understanding of the language and an ability to express oneself in it;

f. overall incentive level bronze for the candidate’s age group successfully completed by the application deadline. (see CATO 14-18 attachments below);

g. be mature, and considered to be a credit to the Sea Cadet Organization; and

h. be highly recommended for this training by all levels in the chain of command.

5. Waivers. Waivers will not be granted.


9. IOT be eligible to participate in this deployment, cadets and officers must be free of any ailment, condition (physical or psychological) or injury:

a. which requires or may require that they, even in rare or unusual circumstances, be taken to a medical facility or treated by medical personnel;

b. which requires or may require that they take medication or inhalers of any kind;

c. which will or may prevent them from completing this training and performing assigned duties;

d. which will or may prevent them from living and/or working in conditions associated with life aboard a ship at sea for extended periods of time;

e. which will or may prevent them from carrying heavy gear on a regular basis;

f. which will or may prevent them from going into confined areas (galley, bunks and passageways) and fitting through tight openings (hatches, ladders and doors); and

g. which will or may prevent him/her from comprehending orders and directions, sometimes in an emergency situation, and quickly reacting to them.


13. Corps are invited to submit cadet and officer applications (no limit in number) (M and/or F) NLT 1 Feb 2013 listed in priority as fol:

a. cadet applications through FORTRESS (serial 116720), supplemented with the fol info/docs (scan/email) :

(1) copy of birth certificate or certificate of Canadian citizenship or passport (if already in hand),

(2) period of availability (e.g., 20 June to 31 August 2012), and

(3) duration of availability (i.e., 4 weeks, 7 weeks or no limit);

Note: Incomplete application packages will not be considered.

14. Selection will be announced as soon as training details are confirmed (any where from 1 April to 30 May 2013).

15. Cadets taking part will receive the training allocation (bonus) and on successful completion, may be entitled to wear the Coast Guard Deployment insignia.

17. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Training Officer or Commanding Officer via phone or e-mail:

a. TrgO - SLt Ellen DeLong - or 250-886-7533

b. CO - Lt(N) Earl Phillips - or 250-507-3199