Admiral's Change of Command
Post date: May 29, 2012 3:49:49 AM
- UPDATE -Rear Admiral Greenwood has expressed an interest in having 20 Sea Cadets line the walkway at Duntze Head when he departs for the last time following the ceremony at his Change of Command on 4 June 12.
Rear Admiral Greenwood has been a Champion for cadets in this Region and it behoves us to meet this small but significant gesture.
Interrested cadets are to submit their names through this online form no later than Wednesday 30 May 2012 by 8pm. More information will be provided directly to the participants.
Who: Selected cadets (contacted individually by e-mail).
When: 4 June (9:30am-12pm)
Where: CFB Esquimalt, Dockyard main gate (end of Esquimalt Rd)
Dress: C-1 (Gunshirt, Jacket, Medals, no webbing)
Emergency contact number: 250-812-7418